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cheap jordans china We can’t understand without this the changes that we see in the Dead Sea and therefore we can’t understand the climate without knowing what is going on here.”Kiro lead a Dead Sea drilling project in 2010 along with fellow geologists, Moti Stein and Stephen Goldstein.A floating drill discovered evidence of cyclical growth and shrinkage of the salt lake. At times it stretched to the Golan Heights; other times mega droughts devastated the watershed and drove the Dead Sea 100 meters deeper than it is today.When water flows downhill it carries with it soil, salt, trees and other detritus like animal carcasses.Over thousands of years, this material forms layers colored by its contents ashen white for dry summers and dark gray for fertile winters.Geologists can read the history in these bands of color and use sophisticated laboratory experiments to discover intricate details of changes of climate 200,000 years ago until today.”Now we are with our partners and colleagues from Columbia University to study and sample different water resources from the eastern part of the Dead Sea and besides that we are sampling rocks and different soil profiles to see any indicators of the paleoclimate which is the climate thousands of years ago to have a clear idea about what was the climate, what is the climate now, and then we can forecast the future climate of the Dead Sea area,” says Marwan al Raggad, a hydrologist at the University of Jordan.”Our main objective is to study the climate in the area and to see how the climate affects the Dead Sea and for sure if the climate is affecting the Dead Sea it will affect the ecosystem it will affect the whole community of the area in the Middle East and Northern Africa areas that is contributing to the Dead Sea areas.”Goldstein is a geochemist at the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory at Columbia University. He has studied the Dead Sea for 30 years.He says the history buried in the salt and rock raises a warning of devastating drought likely to return to the region cheap jordans china.

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